Film and cinema.
Let’s learn how to talk about your favourite films and and going to the cinema. You’re also going to discover more about the Harry Potter books and films.
In the grammar review we’ll be reviewing the past tense which is useful for telling stories and talking about the things we’ve read and seen.

Going to the Cinema
6 Mum: Yes, you can watch that.
3 Jack: I have no homework today.
2 Mum: What about your homework?
4 Mum: What´s on?
1 Jack: Mum, can I watch TV?
5 Jack: „Toy Story“.
1. Which films does Sandy like?
Love films.
2. Whose favourite programme is
about nature?
Tina´s mum.
3. What does Tommy watch?
The news.
4. Which pop group does Paul´s mum
like best?
The Jonas Brothers.
5. When does Sam watch the
“Muppet Sow“?
On every Sunday afternoon.
6. What does Paul think about
detective films?
He thinks they´re exciting.
7. Which prgrammes are boring for
Sports programmes.
8. What can you see in westerns?
Native Americans, cowboys and
9. When does Paul never watch TV?
In the morning.
10. When are there football
matches on TV?
Every Wednesday.
11. Which programme does Tina like
More things to watch, hear and read
Harry Potter
Have you read any Harry Potter books? If you love them, then you’ll love these fun activities!
A free, online Harry Potter-themed escape room that you can play by yourself or with friends!

Watch the video to find out about five places that inspired the books!
Better Writing - A film review
How do you decide what film to watch? Do you ever read reviews of films? Now we’re going to learn how to write reviews of our favourite films.
Reading Task 1 - Read the reviews below and answer the questions.
1 What was the name of the group?
2 What was the TV programme about?
3. Who was the main character in the book?
Gabrielle, 14
Pirate Parrot is a funny book. It’s about a Spanish boy and his pet parrot. The main character, Pablo, thinks that he is a pirate but his parrot doesn’t like water. It’s a very good story and I laughed a lot when I read it. The writer is a man called Hector Martinez. He worked in a pet shop and that’s when he had the idea and he wrote the book. Read it today! You’re going to love it, too.
Kath, 13
I saw an interesting programme last night on TV. It was about the life of a famous Russian dancer. The story started when she was a young child in a village. When she was eleven she won a competition and then she went to study ballet in Saint Petersburg. It was difficult for her when she arrived in the big city but she worked hard and became famous. I enjoyed the programme because I love dancing.
Ana, 14
On Saturday I went to a concert with my family. The group was called Four Stars. Before the concert I thought they were great but they arrived late and they didn’t sing well. They couldn’t dance, so the concert was boring. We didn’t have a good time. We stayed for an hour and then we went home.
Four Stars (The group was called ‘Four Stars’.)
The life of a dancer (It was about the life of a famous Russian dancer.)
Pablo (The main character, Pablo … )
Source: Pearson Longman Gold Experience A1
Reading Task 2: A film Review - The Theory of Everything
Read the film review. Does the writer answer all these questions? What do they say?
1. What is the title of the film?
2. What genre is it?
3. What is it about?
4. Is it based on a book?
5. Where is the film set?
6. When is the film set?
7. Who stars in the film?
8. Who plays the main role(s)?
9. Who is your favourite character in the film? (Why?)
10.What kind of person would like this film?
Film review – The Theory of Everything, Biographical drama, 2014
The Theory of Everything is about the scientist Stephen Hawking. The film is based on a book, ‘Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen’ by his wife, Jane Wilde Hawking.
The film is set in England and starts in the early 1960s. It tells the story of Hawking’s relationship with Jane, the diagnosis of his motor neuron disease and his success as a physicist.
I love the acting in this film. Eddie Redmayne stars as Hawking and Felicity Jones plays the role of Jane. My favourite character is Stephen Hawking because he is very clever and brave.
I think this is an ideal film for people who like true stories. It is a bit sad at times but the story is very interesting and there is a lot of action. I give The Theory of Everything ★★★★. Go and watch it soon!
Now it's your turn!
Think about the last film you saw. Make notes.
1. What film did you see?
2. Add more details: Where? When? Who with?
3. What was the film about?
4. What happened?
5 Opinion: was it a good film?
You can write your review in the comments box below or email
Grammar Review - Talking about the Past
This week we’re going to practice using the past tense and look at some irregular verbs.
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